8 Mile
The Movie that I chose to watch and review is a movie that I have seen a bunch of times, so many times that I can't even begin to guess a number. I saw the movie 8 mile that stars the famous rapper Eminem. I picked this movie not only because it has one of my favorite rappers " and yes one of my favorite rappers is a white boy" but because it has a very important theme that we have been discussing throughout the whole semester, the theme of not giving up and learning from your mistakes. The main character Jimmy or " B-Rabbit" is faced with obstacles that seem insurmountable because he is a rapper with extreme talent but the problem is that not only is he from the ghetto side of town but he is white in the ghetto side of town trying to prove himself to African Americans who believe that "B-Rabbit" cant make it in the rap industry because he is white. I love this movie because Jimmy never gave up and faced all of the challenges that were in his way and succeeded proving all of his nay-Sayers wrong and that it doesn't matter what the color of your skin is but that if you love something and are good at it don't let the negativity of others stop you from pursuing your dreams. I would have to recommend this movie to anyone who is above the age of 17 or can sneak watching this movie without their parents noticing because it is rated R.